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Natomas Messenger

River Cats Conducting National Anthem Auditions

Jan 22, 2025 11:33AM ● By River Cats News Release

SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - The opening of every ballgame starts with the National Anthem, and the Sacramento River Cats want to give you the chance to perform. The River Cats have announced their National Anthem auditions for the 2025 baseball season will take place at Sutter Health Park on Sunday, Feb. 16. 

Auditions are open to all soloists and instrumentalists, and those interested in performing prior to a River Cats game must submit an audition demo by Friday, Jan. 31. Demos received past this date will not be considered.  

All demos submitted must be an A cappella version or original performance of the “Star Spangled Banner,” sung in full, with clear, consistent and correct lyrics. The full performance must not exceed 90 seconds.  

To submit a demo, please email an mp3 or YouTube link to Logan Flair at, [email protected]. The email subject line should read “2025 National Anthem Demo” and include a name, phone number and email address in the body of the email.  

The River Cats will invite the top demos submitted to Sutter Health Park for a live audition on Feb. 16. Due to the volume of applicants, performers will only be contacted if they are selected to audition in person. Selected performers will be contacted the week of Feb. 10 with further instructions.